Day by Day Schedule with Speakers

  • S4SN 2024(日本、対面形式)










  • S4SN 2024(日本,线下会议)










  • S4SN 2024 (일본, 대면)

    2024년 회의

    대면: 쓰쿠바, 일본

    2024년 3월 25일~28일

    아름다운 쓰쿠바, 일본에서 대면 회의에 참여해 주세요!

    심포지엄 제출 마감은 2023년 11월 1일입니다.

    제출 지침

    2024년 1월 15일까지 등록하세요

    회의에 등록하려면 현재 회원이어야 합니다.

    여기에서 등록하세요


Click through the Program for details on the meeting!

See below for helpful information about Tsukuba!

Our travel booklet includes information about your travel to Tsukuba, visas, lodging, restaurants, shops, and activities in the area! Many important tips for international travelers!


Visit our new travel information website - you can search for nearby attractions, food and more!

Or you can find a booklet for viewing and download below:

Click through for info on how to travel to Tsukuba, how to pay for transport, where to eat, and more!


Poster information

The poster board size is 85cm (width) x 205cm (height) and portrait, not landscape, format. We will provide thumbtacks.


Frequently asked questions about the 2024 S4SN meeting in Tsukuba:

Q1: Will there be onsite childcare or can I bring my child into the scientific sessions with me?

Onsite childcare will not be provided, though there will be a family-friendly private room in the conference center and we will be adding family friendly entertainment and dining options to the travel information booklet.  

Q2: Is the excursion included in the meeting registration fee?

The excursion is not included in the registration fee to keep costs lower for all registrants.

Q3: Can my family members join the excursion?

Yes. Because the excursion is paid separately by individuals wishing to participate, it is open to additional travelers.

Q4: What are the excursion options?

Excursions options and sign up sheets will be announced on February 21, please stay tuned! 

Q5: Can I cancel my conference registration?

Yes. All cancellations must be received in writing. The amount paid less a $75 USD processing fee will be refunded for cancellations requested prior to March 20, 2024. Following this date, no refunds will be issued. If you do not receive your visa in time the above cancellation policy will also apply. Please apply for your visas as soon as possible.=

Q5. What if I need a visa to travel?

Please visit the Meeting page and Trvale info booklet for more information or email

Q6. How do I know if my abstract was accepted?

Most abstracts will be automatically accepted, and official email acceptances will be sent by Feb 7. Please begin planning your trip to