Meeting at a glance
S4SN 2020* will be held on February 1-3, 2021, with a 4-hr daily format suitable for global participation (11am-3pm ET; 4-8pm GMT). Keynote and featured talks will be presented live, and recorded for additional asynchronous viewing by registrants through February 5. There will be “poster” sessions in the form of short contributed talks uploaded by trainees in advance, with time for live questions and interaction. Registration and abstract submissions are currently open.
This year we have three symposia inspired by global events and the unique strengths of our society — which include a global perspective, cutting-edge research, and the bridging of human and animal studies. The first symposium is on the neuroscience of group biases; the second is on social isolation and connectedness. The third symposium features our yet-to-be-announced award winners — always a highlight of the meeting.
Registration is just $20 for students, technicians and postdocs, $50 for faculty. Discounted rates are available for attendees in developing countries or who are experiencing financial hardship. More dates and deadlines can be found here.
Keynote speakers:
David Amodio, New York University, The social neuroscience of prejudice.
Lasana Harris, University College London, How is social cognition special?
Kay Tye, Salk Institute, The neuroscience of social craving.
Featured speakers:
Turhan Canli, Stonybrook University, Loneliness predicts neural gene expression.
Mina Cikara, Harvard University, The neural basis of social structure learning.
Shihui Han, Peking University, Cultural differences in intergroup conflict.
Martin Kavaliers, University of Western Ontario, Group biases in non-human animals.
Takefumi Kikusui, Azabu University, Oxytocin and tears in non-human mammals.
Jenny Tung, Duke University, Social determinants of health among wild baboons.
Pre-meeting training workshops:
This year, in addition to three wonderful symposia, two poster sessions, and creative new ways to interact online, we will also have a series of training workshops. These will consist of 4hr tutorials to be held on January 31, 2021. Learn how to conduct experiments online with our sponsor Gorilla (free, but registration required); perform representational similarity analysis ($25); or use the automated pose-estimation software DeepLabCut ($25). Training sessions have limited space, and are open to members/registrants of the regular meeting. The deadline to register for a training workshop is January 25, but space is limited. Sign up for a training workshop at our registration page.
Become a member
Please consider becoming a regular member. It is not required to attend this year’s online meeting, but it helps us continue to bring you the best in social neuroscience. Join us or renew your membership here.
This meeting is made possible by your memberships, your volunteer efforts, and our generous sponsors.
Oak Ridge Associated Universities
*Yes, we know February 2021 is not in 2020! There will be another meeting in December 2021!