S4SN 2019 | Poster Submissions
Invitation to Submit Abstracts
We invite abstract submissions to be presented as a poster presentation at the Society for Social Neuroscience (S4SN) 10th annual meeting at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago in Chicago, IL on October 17-18, 2019. We welcome abstracts reporting recent results in the field of social behavior and its neural underpinnings, whether they involve animal or human subjects. Investigators at any career stage are encouraged to present posters.
Poster Submission GUIDELINES
To submit an abstract for a poster, please use the form provided here. After submitting your abstract, you will receive an email containing the details of your submission and confirming your submission. All abstracts will be reviewed by the S4SN Program Committee. Incomplete submissions and inappropriate abstracts will be rejected upon review.
The abstract submission deadline has been extended to June 1, 2019 (11:59PM latest time zone on earth). Acceptance notifications will be emailed in July, 2019.
Abstract Content
Please follow these guidelines when submitting your abstract. The Presenting Author (1st author) is responsible for adherence to these guidelines and for the merit of the presentation.
It is acceptable to submit an abstract that has also been submitted to SfN.
All abstracts must have an element of “Social” as well as “Neuroscience.” If the subject matter of the abstract has only one element, e.g. social, the findings must be placed in the context of neuroscience.
Your abstract must contain the specific goals of the study, the methods used, a summary of the results, and a conclusion. It is not satisfactory to say, “The results will be discussed.”
The presenting author is required to register to attend the S4SN 2019 Annual Meeting
Additional instructions on formatting are provided on the abstract submission site.
You must be a current S4SN 2019-2020 Member in order to submit. To join or renew your S4SN Membership visit: https://www.s4sn.org/join-or-renew-membership
If you have questions about your submission, please contact Dr. Cacioppo at cacioppos@uchicago.edu